I am a fitness professional and certified health coach with a specialty in weight management and I have no intention of getting my body back to the exact shape it was prior to getting pregnant. Even though my industry loves to sell “get your pre-baby body back,” I think that goal is pretty bogus and could pile on unnecessary stress and pressure to this crazy role of motherhood.

Let’s first acknowledge that our bones literally shift when we carry a baby and they may never go back to exactly where they were. Also, take a look at your life before you had your baby to the life you have now.

  • Pre-pregnant Lauren taught 12 group fitness classes a week, which included 4 high intensity workouts and two strength-training workouts. Now I only teach 2 yoga classes a week and due to a bladder prolapse, weight lifting and high intensity workouts are not appropriate yet.
  • My diet used to be filled with cruciferous veggies (I am a weirdo and seriously love broccoli) and beans, but because I breastfeed, and my son has a sensitive tummy, I have had to totally revamp my veggie and protein sources.
  • I used to be able to eat slowly and mindfully. Now the goal on some days is literally just “eat.”
  • My hormones are in a totally different place and Lord knows these boobs will never be the same!

All of these factors play into the shapes of our bodies. It would be crazy to expect the same physical outcome from all these differences.

With that said, even though I have no intention of getting my pre-baby body back, I have every intention to feel confident. I have every intention to feel strong, to feel sexy, smart, capable, accomplished and beautiful. And since these feelings come in all shapes, there is no need to label them with a waist size or a number on the scale.


In order to feel these sensations, I will move my body and I will eat well. Sweating and making my muscles fire has always made me feel unstoppable. Stretching and deep breathing has always made me feel free. Eating 6 servings of vegetables daily has always made me feel light. Eating dark chocolate and drinking Guinness makes me feel pretty awesome too (Balance, yo!).

I will schedule 3-1 hour workouts a week sans baby (Yoga, Pilates, cycling) and then plan plenty of daily activities that involve movement with my little one (Mommy & Me Yoga, walks). On the weekend, I will go grocery shopping and stock my fridge with healthy foods that are easy to grab and go.

In choosing actions that create the feelings I desire, my hips may go back to place, or the skin on my belly may tighten, or… maybe they won’t. I am OK with that. Believe me, there will be days where I get sucked down the rabbit hole and I will have to read this post to myself, but I will always come back to what matters most - a body that feels good. Because when I feel good, that’s when I am the best mother, the best wife, and the best of service to those around me.


Pre-pregnant Lauren may have had a smaller jean size, but this Lauren today has a way larger heart, is mentally softer, and is much more patient. That's that stuff that makes life beautiful. Yes, please!



Credit must be given to the wonderful, Danielle LaPorte. She is the creator of Desire Map, which is a goal setting guide revolved around choosing actions that create the feelings you desire. If this resonates with you, be sure to check her out here.