Late in my pregnancy, someone asked how I was feeling, and I said, “I feel great! I am pretty lucky to have such an easy pregnancy.” She responded, “Lauren, I am not surprised at all. You take really good care of yourself. You should feel great!” Wow… Yeah... She is totally right. I should give myself some credit! Now granted, some things are out of my/our control, but I can take pride in knowing that I did everything in my power to feel good.

Since the things I did worked well for me, maybe they will work for you, or maybe not! At the very least, I hope you can read this and feel empowered to take control. If something doesn’t feel good, don’t just assume, “Well, I am pregnant so I am just going to have to live with this for the next 9 months.” Do the research, experiment, listen to your body, and most importantly, talk to your health care provider.

1. The Cracker Fairy

I was nauseous 24/7 in the first trimester. To combat it, I kept food in my stomach at all times and ate every 2 hours. That meant I never left the house without snacks in my purse and in the car. Also, a tip I learned from my mom, eat something before you even get out of bed in the morning. My husband got up before me and would always leave a dish of saltine crackers by the bed. I coined him the Cracker Fairy. J It really helped to have food in my belly before even moving.

2. Prenatal massage

I am a big believer in the benefits of massage therapy sans baby belly, so while being pregnant, these were a must. Massages relieved my muscle aches and helped me unwind and de-stress. Plus, massages can help regulate hormones. All of these benefits can lead to a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

I received prenatal massages once a month at Orland Park Health and Fitness Center. Be sure to go to a therapist who is certified in prenatal massage. Some doctors suggest that you avoid massage in the first trimester and also suggest that you stick with Swedish massage. Talk to your doc to see what would be best for you.

3.  Move

I almost didn’t include this because I assumed it was a given, but I will take the opportunity to remind you – These bodies were designed to MOVE, even when you are pregnant! When we don’t move, our bodies get angry and you will feel icky. Everyday, make an effort to move your body. Go for a walk, dance, practice yoga, stretch, swim… I love moving and it is my job, so this one was easy for me to accomplish. Plus, I have a dog who gets me outside at least once a day on a 20-minute walk. Moving always helped me get the kinks out of my ever-changing pregnant body. And in the first trimester when I had zero energy, as backwards as it sounds, moving increased my energy.

Just like with everything in life, you need to strike a good balance, so don’t forget to rest as well. Go to bed a bit earlier, put your feet up for 10 minutes, nap… I was the queen of the 20-minute nap in my first and third trimester.

4. Prenatal Yoga


You all know how much I love yoga, so this isn't a big surprise, but seriously, this was a weekly must for me. Not only do you get the physical and mental benefits of the practice, but you also get a ton of emotional support. It is great to come together with other women who are going through the same thing as you. Just when you thought you were crazy or that your body was doing something whacky, you learn that your class neighbor is going through the exact same thing – what a relief!

My instructor would say things like, “Your body is wise. It is doing exactly what it needs to do. Your baby is getting exactly what it needs to thrive. Everything is exactly where it needs to be. Your body is a miracle worker…” These were great reminders for those days where you may be worried and scared about carrying a baby and becoming a mother. And let’s face it, some days you can feel like a queen and other days you can feel like a total cow, so for someone to remind you for 60 minutes that you are a beautiful goddess is the best.

I attended classes once a week at Orland Park Health and Fitness Center. I am also a certified prenatal instructor and hope to be teaching classes in the near future, so stay tuned!

5. Stability/Exercise Ball


My prenatal Yoga instructor used these all the time in class and they provided so much relief for my back that I had to make the investment. The ways you can use them while pregnant is endless, but this photo shows one of my go-to postures. I had a lot of tightness in my mid back once I got into the third trimester. To get relief, I would lay my back on the ball with my spine totally supported and take several deep breaths. After a couple minutes here, my aches would melt away. You can bring your arms overhead, make a “V”, bring them out to the side, or whatever feels best.

I bought this ball at Target, but you can find them anywhere. Just be sure to get one that corresponds to your height (it should let you know on the packaging what size to get).

6. Belly Band

I taught high impact aerobics up to week 35 of my pregnancy. About half way through the second trimester, I started to get aches in the front of my hips, especially after teaching. I talked to my doctor about it and she recommended a belly band. It totally did the trick! After a week of using this band, the pain in my hips disappeared.

This band is the Gabrialla. I bought it on Amazon. I did some research and many running blogs suggested it. 

7. Gentle Babies

I love my essential oils, but was very nervous on what to use while pregnant. A friend of mine suggested this book and it was my go to reference! It tells you exactly what oils to avoid and which ones will benefit a pregnant body. It also breaks down the 411 of using oils with infants and children. I bought this off of Amazon.

8. Gentle Baby Essential Oil


This is one of the oils they suggested to use in the book above. I specifically used it topically to prevent stretch marks. In regards to stretch marks, I know there is a lot at play beyond skin care regimen, but ladies and gentleman, I used this oil once a day on my belly, thighs, and chest, and I only got a few stretch marks on my hips. I call that a victory! This blend is specifically created by Young Living, which you can buy here.

I hope this has helped you in some shape or form! Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions. Remember, be easy on yourself! you are growing a tiny human :) Enjoy the miracle right inside of you and happy pregnancy!
